“Educate In India Can Lead To MAKE IN INDIA”

Today even after more than 65 years of Independence, India still is a developing nation, not a developed one. Why?? The main reason behind this is improper management of human resources. India is not developing as it should be. India is having a rich demographic scenario with more than 65% of its population below 35 years of age, adding it to the most potential human resource in the world. However jobs needing high degree of skills won’t be created unless there is an adequate supply of educated personnel.
The migration of scientists, doctors, engineers and other technically qualified persons usually from a developing or under developed country to developed country is termed "brain drain". It is a very serious problem for poor and under developed countries, including India.

Thousands of Indian scientists, doctors, engineers and other qualified persons have migrated and are staying in other countries. Every year hundreds of our best brains make frantic efforts to leave India. The demand for passports is increasing every year, even though more and more employment opportunities are being created within the country. The steady outflow of our nation's talent, especially those educated, at the cost of the tax payer's money, has caused concern to the government. 

The UNDP estimates that India loses $2 billion a year because of the emigration of computer experts to the U.S Indian students going abroad for their higher studies cost India a foreign exchange outflow of $10 billion annually. A recent study conducted by Indian Institute of Management-Bangalore (IIM-B) shows that the students going for higher studies abroad has increased by 256% in the last 10 years. When 53,000 Indian students went abroad for higher studies in 2000, the figure shot up to 1.9 lakh in 2010. 

America is the largest absorber of Indian talent with about 5000 Indian scientists, and 8000 Indian doctors. But the demands from western developed countries are not likely to come to an end. It has been estimated that every migrating Indian doctor costs India Rs. 33 lakhs and every Indian scientist going to the United States of America adds Rs. 18.75 lakhs to the wealth of the USA. A very complex pattern of pulls and pushes is responsible for this phenomenon.

There are various reasons behind the brain drain. When a doctor or an engineer moves from our country to other what he realize, he realize his dreams comes true, he find every means by which he can fulfil his needs. Moreover there is lack of big Industrial hubs where the talented persons can show their talent. Moreover unavailability of right job for right person and Reservation Policy also adds up to the problem.

This problem has led to many serious impacts on our economy. Other countries are using our talent and boosting their economy. Today our country is spending money on large scale on projects buying from foreign countries, which can be developed in India if our talented scientists, doctors and engineers work for India.
Its feels very bad when any cow grows in a house and at the time of milking leaves the person who struggled to feed them. But the Commerce Ministry has come with a ray of hope and has circulated a strategy paper that suggests allowing foreign universities to set up their campuses in the country. The idea is also welcomed by MHRD and is a part of a package of reforms urgently needed by India’s higher education sector.
Presently the top institutions of the country including IITs, IIMs,AIIMS, IISC  etc. are not up to the mark in order to provide the best World Class higher education to its students. In addition to that, Research Environment is lacking in most of these Institutes which leads to India buying Foreign Technologies and spending a lot of money. Moreover limited seats also add up to the problem and as a result many students opt Foreign Institutions for higher studies. Therefore MHRD should not only focus on opening up of new IITs or IIMs, but also try to improve the conditions of those already there.
Brain Drain today has made India haemorrhaging its own Young talent. To stop this, it’s essential to create an EDUCATE IN INDIA brand. Presently there is a paucity of top notch institutions of higher education. It is beyond the Government’s capacity to meet this need on its own. Therefore, it should ease the path of institution of higher education promoted by the private sector, be they Indian or foreign. Also MAKE IN INDIA isn’t going to take off without EDUCATE IN INDIA. Make In India would also require highly qualified researchers and engineers which is not possible at ease without Educate In India.

Today our country needs a proactive MHRD, to ensure the best possible measures to improve the Education System and policies in the country.  The vision of vibrant and dynamic India can only be achieved through the complete eradication of Brain Drain. Enhancing the quality of education is a must for “sabka sath sabka vikas” to succeed. “EDUCATE IN INDIA” can lead India successfully on its mission to become a developed nation!!!


  1. Written with such a vast research and moreover with so many logical points in it. This article should be published on various platforms so that more people can read it.


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